Activities & Resources

To Dogs, With Love

Fungi Grow
Coming soon!

Thank a Farmer
Thank a Farmer Companion Resources at National Agriculture in the Classroom’s Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix
State listings for AG in the Classroom (educational resources, lesson plans & more):
AG in the Classroom activities for New England Educators
- Maine:
- Massachusetts:
- New Hampshire:
- Rhode Island:
Farmers Market Coalition Activity Guide
Growing Minds Farmers Market Activity Guide
IL AG in Classroom Farmers Market Booth
Farming videos:
- Tree shaker harvesting cherries
- Learn about Wild Rice: Finding Manoomin
- Aerial Rice Planting (Rice Farming TV)
- Vertical Farming
- Northspore & Mushroom Farming
Blog posts:

You and the Bowerbird
Coming soon!

Being a Cat: A Tail of Curiosity
Coming soon!

Ice Cycle: Poems About the Life of Ice
NPR Science Friday Spotlight, “Cool as Ice”
Ice is Nice—watch!
- Brinicles: Underwater Icicle “Finger of Death”
- Grow your own ice spikes!
- NPR: “Watch: Massive Moving Ice Disk Takes Center Stage, Mesmerizing Maine”
- See frost grow: Frostylapse II
Ice is Nice—listen!
- Mallemaroking: “The Sounds of Sea Ice”
- NPR Skunk Bear and the Science of Sound: “Why Does a Frozen Lake Sound Like a Star Wars Blaster?”
- Popular Mechanics: “Why Does This Frozen Lake Sound Like a ‘Star Wars’ Space Battle?”
Poetry Lesson: How to Write a List Poem
Interview about Ice Cycle at the Lerner blog

Being a Dog: A Tail of Mindfulness
- Mindfulness breathing exercise (PDF)
- Mindful nature walk (PDF)
- Being a Dog pup-pet craft created by Homemade City
- Being a Dog reading for a stuffed animal sleepover at Scrawl Books

Bobcat Prowling
- All About Bobcats (PDF)
- Discover the allure of the bobcat in “The Mystery and Magic of Bobcats,” (Kiawah Conservancy)
- Glimpse your urban neighbors in “Is There a Bobcat in Your Backyard?”: Cool Green Science
- Track urban bobcats in “Bobcat City: Studying Urban Cats,” (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Watch a bobcat hunting: “Bobcat Prey,” (Nat Geo Wild)
Appearance on Upton Community Television’s “Be My Guest”
Bobcat Prowling Event at Savoy Bookshop with illustrator, Bagram Ibatoulline and Karle Busse, founder of Rustic Acres Wildlife Rescue and meet their resident bobcats!

Be a Tree!
Be a Tree! Classroom & Outdoor Activities Kit (PDF)
Curious City: single page Be a Tree! activity kit menu (PDF)
- STEM talking points and lessons
- STEM-Pathy (STEM and social justice action)
- Art Project
- Movement & Mindfulness
- Outdoor Story Time
- Event sharing (poster and social media image)
“How Trees Talk,” narrated by scientist Suzanne Simard
BE A TREE! Launch event with illustrator Felicita Sala at the Toadstool Bookshop

Play Like an Animal: Why Critters Splash, Race, Twirl and Chase
- Play Like an Animal STEM Game Cards for Creative Play: Make your own rules, create play environments, and more STEM play! (PDF)
- Watch a river otter and dog playing together
- Watch a crow sledding down a roof
- Watch dolphins wake surfing off Florida’s coast
- Play Like an Animal Read Aloud at Curious City

Whoo-Ku Haiku: A Great Horned Owl Story
Whoo-Ku Haiku Art, Science and Poetry Activities (PDFs):
- Great horned owl finger puppets
- Haiku writing and reader’s theatre
- Online STEM resources about Great horned owls
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Cam: watch the fluffy owlet eat and branch
The Horn Book’s Calling Caldecott featuring Whoo-Ku Haiku illustrator, Jonathan Voss

Operation Rescue Dog
Operation Rescue Dog Adoption Event Kit (PDF)
- Event Poster
- Partnering: suggestions for hosting pet rescue groups
- Decorations: pennants
- Activities: temporary tattoos & make and walk invisible pets
- Info sheet on ways to help rescue pets
TV appearance on the Hallmark Channel’s Home & Family Show: The Story behind the story of Operation Rescue Dog

Hawk Rising
Hawk Rising STEM activities (PDFs):
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Red-tailed hawk cam highlights (scroll down)
Cable Natural History Museum: a reading of Hawk Rising with Carson the red-tailed hawk

Terrific Tongues!
- Terrific Tongues! frog mask template (PDF)
- Guinness World Record: Mochi: “Dog with the longest tongue”
- National Geographic: “Tiny Chameleons’ Tongues Pack Strongest Punch”
- Science Take: “Tiny Bat, Long Tongue” (Pallas’s Long-tongued bat)

Hello Goodbye Dog
Hello Goodbye Dog Reading Poster & Reunion Activities (PDFs):
Hello Goodbye Dog read aloud in ASL from Fun4theDisabled
WHS Bedtime Stories reading of Hello Goodbye Dog with Karly Troschuk and her dogs, Marcie & Oliver

Officer Katz & Houndini: A Tale of Two Tails
- Mustache craft created by Homemade City
- Fun cat idioms
- Fun dog idioms

Coyote Moon
- Coyote Moon Educator’s Guide (PDF)
- Fuse #8 Production: Betsy Bird’s Review of the Day for Coyote Moon
- Lesson Plan Link “Coyote Moon: Using the Thesis Machine to Practice Drafting Thesis Statements from Informational Text (Grade 6-12)”
- This Literacy Life: Figurative Language in Coyote Moon

Penny & Jelly Slumber Under the Stars
- Canis Major/Jelly Major Constellation craft (PDF)
- Star-powered craft created by Homemade City

Penny & Jelly: The School Show